Building Better Relationships, One Bill at a Time:

Back MFTs with Family PAC this giving season!

Set Up a Recurring Donation
Volunteer to Testify at the Capitol

Family PAC is the political action committee of TAMFT, providing important information and advocacy for MFTs in Texas. The support of Family PAC goes to help us advocate for issues that affect the ability of MFTs in Texas to practice by protecting our scope of practice, ensuring the growth of MFT services within the state, and increasing opportunities for MFTs to be paid for their work.

By contributing to Family PAC this giving season, you help protect the future of our profession and the ability of Texans to benefit from the services that MFTs provide.

Where the Money Goes

We are constantly supporting, advocating, and actively engaging our legislative committees so that LMFTs are adequately represented at our state level. The PAC fund is what helps to have this happen. Thanks to your donations, we have:

  • Passed legislation codifying the Supreme Court "diagnosis" decision, established LMFTs as eligible to participate in the mental health student loan assistance program, and enabled LMFTs to be reimbursed for telehealth services.
  • Created the Behavioral Health Executive Council (BHEC), securing sufficient appropriations and employees for running the new entity, while preserving an independent licensure board to provide dedicated oversight and regulation for the profession of LMFTs. 
  • Broadened funding for a Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's (THECB) mental health tuition reimbursement program, reducing financial barriers for students, as well as improving the regulation and payment for telemedicine and telehealth services, including a provider's "choice of platform" and "audio only" services.
  • Extended liability protection for licensed mental health practitioners working with patients, allowing disclosure of confidential information, when there is a probability of imminent physical injury by the patient to the patient or others, or a probability of imminent mental or emotional injury to the patient.

How You Can Help

In addition to a straight donation, we are offering several ways to help this Giving Season:

  1. Purchase TAMFT Merchandise.
    • In doing so, you help protect the future of our profession! All proceeds go toward Family PAC and marriage and family therapy advocacy in Texas. Buy a T-shirt (or a mug, or a tote, or a notebook...) today - we have new inventory commemorating our 50-year celebration! They make the perfect gift for the MFTs in your life!
      Go to PAC Store
  2. Write to Your Congressperson.
    • In the last legislative session, bills that were and are important to TAMFT didn’t get much traction. While this is aggravating, it highlights just how important the Family PAC and keeping in touch with your local congressperson is. Below, you can find a template to help you write to your local constituent. 
      Letter to Congressperson Template



Level Donation Additional Benefits
SuperPAC $100 Special recognition in the quarterly newsletter, social media, and be entered into a raffle for a chance to win Bonfire merchandise! If we raise our goal of $2,500, the prize will be upgraded to a free 2024 TAMFT Conference registration!
GoldPAC $75 Special recognition in the quarterly newsletter and on social media
SilverPAC $50 Special recognition on social media